Interview with Wendy Moniz
From:WXCY Country Radio station
Date:13,May 2003
transcripted by Sarah
From WXCY in Maryland…
P: Right now we're going to be talking to Wendy Moniz from "The Guardian"
B: Yes, this week a lot of season finales and tonight is the season finale of "The Guardian" and uh, well, Wendy plays Lulu, and we want to get her on here to see if she'll spill the beans.
B: Wendy, thanks for joining us here today.
WM: Thank you
B: Well, tonight's the big night; it's the season finale…
WM: Uh huh…
B: Can you spill the beans on it? What's going to be happening?
WM: ...oh, I can't tell you anything (laughs)
B: Anything?
WM: No…no … it's going to be kind of action packed, actually, for our show…there's a lot going on, and there's going to be a lot of…uh… loose ends, at the end of the episode that will hopefully keep people tuned in for season three, so…
B: I know they haven't officially released their lineup yet for CBS, but you guys will be coming back?
WM: Yeah…
P: You must be excited about that?
WM: Uh, yeah, it's definitely a relief as an actor to know you have a job to go back to.
B: Here's the company line for what's going to happen tonight, I guess Nick looses control in the courtroom, due to the fact that he maybe losing Lulu forever, that's you?…
WM: Uh huh…
B: Where are you going?
WM: Uh, I might be going to, um… California, I have job offer so…uh, looks like, you know, looks like I might take that, so…we'll see what happens…
B: We'll have to stick around and find out on that and then of course his father Burton, played by Dabney Coleman has got his own problems going on tonight too.
WM: Yeah, yeah… I think between the two of them, they have this … well; they reach a breaking point. It’s a really interesting ending. I think people will be sort of shocked, and they'll like it…
B: Well, you've also done some other acting as well...
WM: Uh huh…
B: And I wanted to mention that you were in one of my favorite TV movies of all time, "Tuesdays with Morrie."
WM: You know, I just had another interview the other day and the guy said the same thing. I think that men really like that movie because it is about, you know, sort of a father and son relationship, in a sense, and it's a really good movie, I'm proud of that movie.
P: Any future movies on the horizon?
WM: You know, no… I have a few months off, and I like to just come back to New York and hang out here because I miss it so much when I'm in California. Work, on the show, you know, is satisfying, it keeps me busy, and it keeps me fulfilled, so I am not seeking anything right now.
B: Its nice to have that time off…
WM: It's great to have that time off, I… I… like relish the time off… (Laughs with hosts)
B: So what do you do in New York? Hang out with your husband, stepson and the two dogs? What are your dogs' names?
WM: I do, I hang out with all of them, and my dogs are Emily and Jake
B: Well, Wendy we appreciate you stopping by and good luck -- we're looking forward to you in season number three…
WM: Thank you very much…
P: Thanks.
WM: Take care.
B: Aw… we appreciate Wendy stopping by, and I have a feeling that she won't take that job in California … but I don't know for sure…
P: Oh, we'll have to wait and see … pretty cool to talk to her. A lot of people know her as Dinah; she was on "The Guiding Light" for about four or five years, playing Dinah…And that is Wendy Moniz…